SET Investory


Building awareness for SET Investory Website (Investment Discovery Museum) to increase traffic by using Social Media Platforms to young investors who interested in financial planning and inspired to start investing as well as understanding the importance of the capital market and the roles and responsibilities of the Stock Exchange of Thailand.

At first, we use Influencer marketing to create brand recognition on several platforms. By using influencer that suite our target, we offering onsite activity to help gathering traffic to website. 

After that, we use the taxonomy of learning behaviors known as KSA (Knowledge, Skills, and Attitude) or the goals of the learning process to help generated expected outcomes. Our content will be delivered in 3 stages start from open their mind, get to know a new world, and get ready for new experience. 


The target audience engaged in the Influencer’s post including sharing experiences after visiting SET Investory Museum. Also, the target audience joined the onsite activity at the museum more than expected. (20 users)

Art Work Showcases
